Friday, 25 March 2011

Panda Pop

Hello. Well my name's Becky and you've somehow fallen backwards through cyberspace and found yourself at my blog, YEAHH! I've never had a blog before. I don't even know what to write here because I don't know who I'm talking to. Well, nobody at the moment I'm sure, seeing as I have zero content on here. So by the time you read this, I will be talking to you from the past, which means you are in fact probably an android from the future. Unless of course the past, present and future exist simultaneously, in which case you could be absolutely anyone, a large majority of whom are possibly Dr. Manhattan.

Anyway, thanks to Google keywords it's probably now safe to assume you are a confused and irritated sci-fi/Watchmen fan, so hi! If you feel like sticking around and looking at some art, I'll cut to the chase.

I'm a 19-year-old art student from Devon in England and the main function of this blog, besides rambling out a stream of consciousness every now and then, is to show you some of the stuff I've done, as well as what I'm working on currently. I use a lot of different materials and styles - some of it's pretty experimental, but sometimes I do sort of illustrative stuff too. So if you're into the stuff on here and you want some kind of commission work done, I'm an art student in a Tory country so I have no future prospects and will draw 4 food.

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