Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Jesse Draxler

Draxler, J. Burnt Hair.

Draxler, J. Methadont.

I'm so fucking into this.
Also I swear a lot when I'm enthusiastic.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Stuff I've been up to lately

My work space at college. I <3 my corner, but I've recently migrated to the corridor/graphics room for more space.
Experimental silhouettes.
Atomic shadow 1 so far.
Atomic shadow 2 so far (detail).
3 - started this one today, just improvising. Not sure it'll survive, definitely needs more work.
Atomic shadow 3 (detail).
 These all need a fair bit more work, but I'm feeling pretty good about how it's going so far.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

I've suddenly realised...

...that I love watercolours. I've never been able to get my head around acrylics or oils so I hardly ever paint, but damn, I love how watercolours look.

These are my eyes, by the way. It's an experiment as part of a project, I'm not just really vain.

And then I was reminded how much I also love Marlene Dumas. Her work is so ghostly and simple.

Dumas, M. Barbie (with a pearl necklace) 1995. Watercolour on paper. <>